February 21, 2024

FPI Comments On State's New 5-Year Section 1115 CHIP Demonstration Request

The comments below were submitted electronically to AHCA Secretary Jason Weida on February 21, 2024.

Florida Policy Institute (FPI) submits these comments in response to the Agency for Health Care Administration’s (AHCA's) New 5-Year Section 1115 Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Demonstration Request. FPI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing policies and budgets that improve the economic mobility and quality of life for all Floridians. We are committed to public policies which ensure that all Floridians have access to quality affordable health care.

We applaud the agency for moving forward to implement the Florida Legislature’s expansion of the KidCare program. This demonstration has great potential for ensuring that children in more moderate income families do not lose coverage when their families transition into higher wage employment. However, we cannot ignore that there continue to be significant barriers for Florida children in lower income working families to obtain and keep coverage. This demonstration should also focus on improving enrollment and continuous coverage for these children. We support federal approval of this waiver, but as further described below, we urge the agency to take specific actions to address these concerns.

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