May 1, 2022

Florida urged to rejoin federal survey that guides help for youth

Jeffrey S. Solochek writes:

"More than three dozen Florida organizations that deal daily with children’s health and welfare issues want the state government to reconsider its move away from the federal Youth Risk Behavior Survey it has participated in for the past 30 years.

'This data has played a critical role in designing prevention and intervention programs that support our youth,' the organizations wrote in a letter to the departments of Education and Health on Tuesday. 'The most efficient and cost-effective way to collect valid, reliable data that addresses the health of all students is to continue to administer the (survey).'


Norín Dollard, Florida Policy Institute [emphasis added] senior policy analyst and Kids Count director, said the state has no need to reinvent something that’s already provided. Local and state governments and associations already can use the existing survey to get information relevant to their children there, Dollard said, and can make comparisons to other states as well as among different demographic groups."


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