June 14, 2018

Bold Federal Jobs Program is Long Overdue [Orlando Sentinel]

The last recession officially ended in 2009, but you wouldn’t know it in many communities across the country. While a few have amassed great wealth, working families in every state struggle to put food on the table. A proposal sponsored by Sen. Cory Booker to create jobs through a federal program offers the bold action needed to reverse this deeply entrenched inequality.

The Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act would provide a job for every adult seeking one through a three-year pilot program, beginning with 15 municipalities across the country. Through public-works and community-development projects, these urban and rural localities would create jobs that provide the greater of $15 per hour or the prevailing wage, plus health insurance, and paid family and sick leave. Projects would be encouraged to address priorities, such as infrastructure improvements like repair and maintenance of roads and bridges, and providing care for children, seniors and those with disabilities.

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